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展覽預告|跳脫・畫非『畫』U N V E I L - 韓湘寧藝術特展

YellowKorner 睽違兩年,將於 3/9 再度推出公眾展覽,以【 跳脫 · 畫非『畫』 UNVEIL 】為題,展出近年回到台灣的國際知名重要現代藝術家「韓湘寧」 10 大跨媒材系列創作!

此次特展將首度同步展出藝術家韓湘寧《印象》、 《蠶絲》、《同一個太陽》、《紐約蘇活》和《真真假假》等共計 10 大跨媒材系列創作。當中許多展品,如韓湘寧留美時期經歷所創作的「安迪·沃荷」及「趙無極」等藝術家友人之肖像創作,更是首度公開的珍藏作品 ,展覽為期五週免費參觀,機會難得不要錯過!

其中,以《蠶絲》作為展覽概念主軸,嘗試透過韓湘寧勇於打破框架的創作形式、不受侷限的創作思想,探討當代藝術對於媒材的思考,並以攝影作為一 種藝術形式的定義,傳達 YellowKorner 持續推廣的攝影藝術理念:「相機僅是藝術家的工具之一,攝影藝術創作從 來不該被工具所框架。」

此外,YellowKorner 攜手台灣知名攝影書店 moom bookshop ,於展覽期間精選呼應展覽主軸的攝影書刊,將 moom bookshop 獨到的選書品味分享給更多藝術愛好者;展覽開幕當天,持續致力於人文藝術的 OKEY COFFEE 台灣滴釀咖啡品牌,也準備了以藝術家作品為靈感所設計的限量咖啡,邀大家沈浸在藝術家的創作時,一同感受精品咖啡的美好。

《 跳 脫 · 畫 非『畫』U N V E I L 》

展覽日期|2023.03.09 - 2023.04.16

展覽時間|週一公休;週二至週六 10:00 - 19:00;週日 12:00 - 18:00

展覽地點|YellowKorner 藝廊 (台北市中山區樂群二路 91 號)


Upcoming Exhibition|U N V E I L - Han Hsiang Ning's special exhibition

YellowKorner is pleased to present a public exhibition again on 9th March. With the theme of "U N V E I L", exhibiting 10 mixed media series works of the internationally renowned and important modern artist “Han Hsiang Ning” who returned to Taiwan in recent years.

"U N V E I L” will exhibit artist Han Hsiang Ning's "Impression", "Silk", "The Same Sun", "New York Soho","True or False" and other 10 mixed media series works. Many exhibits, such as the portrait creations of Han Hsiang Ning's artist friends "Andy Warhol" and “Zao Wou Ki" when he was studying in the United States, are exhibited publicly for the first time. Admission to the 5 weeks exhibition is free, don’t miss out.

The exhibition takes "Silk" as the main concept, trying to explore contemporary art's thinking on media through the unrestricted creative form and creative review of Han Hsiang Ning. At the same time, with the definition of photography as an art form, it conveys the concept of photography art that YellowKorner constantly advocates:" The camera is only one of the tools of the artist, the medium should never frame the creation of photography art.

In addition, YellowKorner teams up with moom bookshop, a well-known photography bookstore in Taiwan, to select photography books that echo the main concept during the exhibition, and to share moom bookshop's unique book selection taste with more art lovers. On the opening day of the exhibition, OKEY COFFEE Taiwan’s drip coffee brand, which continues to devote itself to humanities and art, would also prepare a limited amount of coffee inspired by the artist’s work, inviting everyone to immerse themselves in the artist’s creation and experience the beauty of specialty coffee.

《 U N V E I L 》

Dates|2023.03.09 - 2023.04.16

Opening|Tuesday to Saturday 10:00 - 19:00 ; Sunday 12:00 - 18:00

Venue|YellowKorner Gallery No.91, Lequn 2nd Road, 10462, Taipei



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